2016 Vocation Support Program

The Vocations Support Program is still in full swing as Councils all across Illinois are selling the booklets that you received with your newsletter a month ago. There is over $20,000 in cash prizes for the winners of the drawing plus your Home Council is allowed to keep $9 of every book sold to help continue God’s good work in our local communities. These two perks alone should make it easy to sell these with relative ease. Not only that but the money raised from this program assists our future priests here in Illinois by sending them Birthday, Christmas, and Ordination gifts to assist them on their way toward the Priesthood.
You may drop off your tickets at the Council Hall, give them to David Young, Robert Walls, or Mark McConachie or mail them to:
Knights of Columbus, PO Box 274, Evansville, Illinois 62242.
Additional tickets are available at the KC Hall or contact those listed above.